13 giugno 2009

Pirate Party 3rd Largest Political Party in Sweden

io non voto, se nessuno mi rappresenta.

non sono sicuro al 100% ma temo che neanche il partito pirata italiano sia votabile. Il motivo principale per cui non li voterò è che non corrono da soli e quindi nascono vecchi già pronti al compromesso, prima ancora di essere eletti. Se vuoi cambiare il mondo non puoi uscire accompagnato dai genitori, no?

per le corporazioni è difficile capire che ormai è ESSENZIALE avere una presenza sui canali di distibuzione torrent. Promuovere un qualsiasi "prodotto" ignorandoli diventa sempre più difficile, come raggiungere un barca a vela nuotando. :D

Chi lo capisce vince.

Support for the Swedish Pirate Party surged following the Pirate Bay verdict and today it became the third largest political party in the country. When they are elected for the European Parliament next month, the party hopes to end the abuse of copyright by multi-billion dollar corporations.

read more | digg story


copia questo codice per metterlo nel tuo blog:

do you knows who is thomas thorpe ?
(not the one who plays football/soccer :D )

He was a pirate too: he has printed illegally some of the works of

wikipedia: In 1609, Thorpe published the most important work of his career,
Shakespeare's Sonnets. His apparent disregard for Shakespeare's
permission earned him a poor reputation, although modern author
Katherine Duncan-Jones has argued that he was not such a "scoundrel"
as he was portrayed, and the amiable and admirable Blount would
certainly not associate with him if he were a scoundrel.


digg Pirate_Party_3rd_Largest_Political_Party_in_Sweden

UPDATE 2009.08.26:
Le autorità svedesi erano convinte di aver decapitato i bucanieri della rete, quando il fantasma di Pirate Bay è riapparso all'orizzonte vivo e vegeto. La sentenza della corte distrettuale di Stoccolma che nei giorni scorsi aveva intimato l'alt al sito della filibusta online, non ha scalfito l'organizzazione che maggiormente fa penare le major di musica e cinema.
Pirate Bay beffa i giudici e riapre in poche ore - Il Sole 24 ORE (26 August 2009)


1 commento:

  1. from bruce (wired: http://www.wired.com/beyond_the_beyond/2009/06/im-watching-swedish-pirate-party-leader-rick-falvinge-advance-his-political-policies/):
    At Reboot 11.

    The official Pirate Party platform:

    Right to privacy as a free citizen

    Government transparency, accountability

    Strengthen due process of law (((that demand sure must be a first for pirates)))

    Reduce copyright

    Abolish patents (especially software and pharmaceutical patents)


    Our total campaign budget for 2009? Fifty thousand US dollars!


    (((Meanwhile, a Swedish leftist complains that Rick and his piratic ilk are insufficiently leftist.)))

    From: Johan Soderberg

    With 215,000 votes in the European election from the Swedish precinct, the Internet pirates have winds in their sails. Miltos asked in a previos posting on this list if similar parties will now spawn in other EU electorates. In the light of his question, it can be interesting to note that the two major events which angered people in Sweden to point that they casted their votes for the Pirate Party (PP), had only scantly to do with EU intellectual property directives.

    The first major cause of anger was a law proposing to extend military surveillance from radio communication to include Internet trafic. The operation is located at “Försvarets Radioanstalt” (FRA) i.e. a branch of Swedish military intelligence. Supposedly, the FRA is only going to eavesdrop on electrons crossing the Swedish border, but, a message sent from one computer in Sweden to another and passing through a server in a foreign country will be subject to FRA snoopers. The law originates in the department of defence and had nothing to do with the EU political machinery, though in the future, for sure, it might converge with IP enforcement. The two commonly accepted explanations as to why it was proposed are, firstly, that the staff at FRA are looking for new job assignments when their old task of listening in on Russian radio communication has lost its rationale, secondly, to gather information about suspects which can be traded with foreign (US) security agencies.

    The second cause behind the success of the Pirate Party is, of course, the recent verdict against the founders of the Pirate Bay. The ruling was very harsh, the four accused were sentenced to one year in prison and roughly 3,000,000 euro in damage.

    What is interesting here is that for a long time, the folk behind TPB pretended that they were not making any profits at all from their service. They portrayed the venture as an grassroots movement motivated on ideological grounds. Indeed, until the disclosure in news media of the fact that large profits were made from advertisments, TPB was asking their supporters for donations, and, according to their own estimates, they earned about 600 euros a month in this way. (((Ooooooh. Six hundred euros. Yeah man, all the way to the bank.)))
    My pessimistic reading of the situation is, then, that TPB, just as with earlier instances of profit-making filesharing services harking all the way back to Napster, must be seen as experiments of a new form of exploitation in libertarian capitalism. (….) (((I’d like to quote the great Bill Gates: ”That’s the most random thing I ever heard,” but Bill probably looks at the Pirate Party and starts breaking and eating parts of window glass.)))
